أخبار عاجلة

Islam of the world

Islam of the world


20- False beliefs, corrected : They claim that they alone know what is right and what is wrong

the allegation  They claim that they alone know what is right and what is wrong and they alone also can judge that a certain act is an act of belief or disbelief. the Reply: No one is entitled to exercise a religious authority over other people. Rather, “Religion is advice”. …

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19- False beliefs, corrected : Al-ḥākimiyyah means that there is no legislator except Allah

the allegation  Al-ḥākimiyyah means that there is no legislator except Allah and this means that the rulers who enact laws adaptable to situations and new incidents are disbelievers. the Reply: This is an erroneous idea because Prophet Muḥammad (PBUH) himself gave his companions the right to make Ijtihād at a …

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من هو محمّد، صل الله عليه واله وسلّم؟Who is Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings be upon him

Who is Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings be upon him? من هو محمّد، صل الله عليه واله وسلّم؟ He is the one who defended the rights of all humanity 1400 years ago. هو الذي دافع عن حقوق كل البشر منذ 1400 عام. He defended men s, women s and …

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18- False beliefs, corrected : Tawḥīd (Monotheism) has categories; one of which is the tawḥīd of al-ḥākimiyyah

the allegation  Tawḥīd (Monotheism) has categories; one of which is the tawḥīd of al-ḥākimiyyah which means that sovereignty is for Allah alone and that whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed is a disbeliever. the Reply: As a term, al-ḥākimiyyah was used for the first time by Abū …

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17- False beliefs, corrected : Failing to Judge by what Allah has revealed is disbelief as Allah

the allegation  Failing to Judge by what Allah has revealed is disbelief as Allah, the Almighty, says, “And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed – then it is those who are the disbelievers” (Qur،an 5: 44) the Reply: The correct opinion is that the Qur’anic verses which …

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16- False beliefs, corrected : All Arab and Muslim societies are disbelievers

the allegation  All Arab and Muslim societies are disbelievers as they commit so many acts of disobedience and grave sins. the Reply: We ask them: did not the Companions of Prophet Muḥammad (PBUH), during his lifetime, commit sins; did he (PBUH) declare them disbelievers for this? Never. The Prophet (PBUH) …

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15- False beliefs, corrected : Not to declare people who commit sins

the allegation  Not to declare people who commit sins, especially rulers who do not rule according to Shariah, is one of the principles of Al-Murj،ah, and not of the people of Ahl Al-Sunnah wa-Al-Jamā،ah the Reply: From the time of Prophet Muḥammad till this very day, the leading Muslim scholars …

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14- False beliefs, corrected : Committing sins and acts of disobedience renders Muslim disbeliever

the allegation  Committing sins and acts of disobedience renders Muslim disbeliever. the Reply:   The Muslim who testifies that there is no god except Allah and that Muḥammad (PBUH) is the Messenger of Allah cannot be declared non-Muslim unless he denies the Oneness of Allah or the prophethood of His …

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13- False beliefs, corrected : The concept of Al-Walā wa-al-barā

the allegation  The concept of Al-Walā wa-al-barā, (loyalty and disavowal) should be acted upon at all times in dealing with non-Muslims; at times of war and peace. :the Reply In fact, acting upon the concept of Al-Walaa and Al-Baraa depends on whether the Muslim is in a state of war …

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12- False beliefs, corrected : Walaa (Loyalty): they allege

the allegation  Walaa (Loyalty): they allege, means just to deal with the other and also means to love the other, even just humanely speaking. Baraa، (Disavowal) on the other hand, means to declare the other as disbeliever and kill him. Walaa، as such, according to their misconception should only be …

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11- False beliefs, corrected : It is obligatory to sever all ties with non-Muslim

the allegation  It is obligatory to sever all ties with non-Muslim and even with Muslims who do not cut their relations with non-Muslim. Muslims.:the Reply Indeed, this is unfounded claim. It is known that the Prophet (PBUH) lived with polytheists, Jews and Christians and all of them attested to the …

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10- False beliefs, corrected : Loving non-Muslims is an act of disbelief

the allegation  Loving non-Muslims is an act of disbelief. :the Reply This allegation is completely groundless. The Prophet (PBUH)  loved his uncle Abu Talib. Moreover, the Glorious Qur’an indicates that there may be inner love for non-Muslims as Allah (Glory be to Him) says, “Indeed, [O Muhammad], you do not …

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9- False beliefs, corrected : The existence of embassies, ambassadors and non-Muslims in Muslim countries is apostasy

the allegation  The existence of embassies, ambassadors and non-Muslims investment authorities in Muslim countries is apostasy as it is deemed to be a kind of loyalty to non-Muslims; Allah says, “Let not believers take disbelievers as allies rather than believers. And whoever [of you] does that has nothing with Allah, …

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