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مجلس إدارة الجريدة الدكتور أحمد رمضان الشيخ محمد القطاوي رئيس التحريـر: د. أحمد رمضان (Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Ahmed Ramadan) تليفون (phone) : 01008222553  فيس بوك (Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/Dr.Ahmed.Ramadn تويتر (Twitter): https://twitter.com/DRAhmad_Ramadan الأستاذ محمد القطاوي: المدير العام ومسئول الدعم الفني بالجريدة. الحاصل علي دورات كثيرة في الدعم الفني والهندسي للمواقع وإنشاء المواقع وحاصل علي الليسانس من جامعة الأزهر.

The Concept of Jihad 19

The fact that some people deliberately conceal about the spread of Islam in such amazing speed is that it is a religion which is characterized by simplicity of its creed and morality of its legislation and rulings.   

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The Concept of Jihad 20

The most conclusive evidence as to the big and great lie of the spread of Islam by sword is that millions of Americans and Europeans convert to Islam in the present time, so the question to be raised here is: “Where is that sword that forces the Europeans and the …

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The Concept of Jihad 21

History tells that Muslims did not go to war in the big Muslim states in Eastern Asia which include now the biggest numbers of Muslims worldwide, but rather Islam spread there with wisdom and good admonition.   

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The Concept of Jihad 22

(Killing Enemies’ Children is Forbidden) Al-Aswad ibn Sari’ (ra) reported that, on the day of Hunain battle, the Prophet (PBUH) dispatched a group of soldiers who fought against the disbelievers and, consequently, killed some of their children. Upon their return, the Prophet asked, “Why did you kill the children?” They …

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The Concept of Jihad 23

(Killing enemies’ Women and non-Combatant Men is Prohibited) Narrated Hanzalah Al-Katib: “We went into a battle with the Messenger of Allah (PBUH). When we passed by a slain woman around whom people had gathered, they parted (to let the Prophet through) and he said, ‘This (woman) was not one of …

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The Concept of Jihad 24

(Humane Treatment of War Prisoners is a Principle of Jihad) The Prophet (PBUH) said “Treat war prisoners in a good manner.” In this connection, Al-‘Aas ibn Al-Rabie’ said, “I was kept as a war prisoner under the supervision of a group of Al-Ansar (supporters) – may Allah reward them – …

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The Concept of Jihad 25

(The Prohibition of Recruiting Young People for Jihad) Rafe’e ibn Khadeej said, “My uncle and I came to the Prophet while he was preparing for the battle of Badr. So, I said, ‘O messenger of Allah, I wish to accompany you in this battle.’ The Prophet held my hand, saying, …

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The Concept of Jihad 26

(Respecting Others’ Religion is a Principle of Jihad) After Muslims secured victory against the Jews in the battle of Khaybar, Muslims found some copies of the Torah. The Prophet, thereupon, commanded the companions to give them back to the Jews as a sign of respect for their religion and to …

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تمنياتي بتمام ووافر الصحة والعافية ، The Concept of Jihad 27

The Concept of Jihad 27

Destroying Churches is Prohibited in Islam) The Prophet (PBUH) granted the Christians of Nagran the right to maintain their places of worship; such as chapels and churches, as well as the sanctity of their priests and monks. The Prophet stated in his covenant with them: “No church of theirs shall …

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The Concept of Jihad 28

(Prohibition of Mutilating Dead Bodies in Islam) Although the disbelievers mutilated the body of Hamza, the Prophet’s uncle, during the battle of Uhud, the Prophet did not change his attitude concerning the prohibition of mutilating dead bodies. Instead, he ordered not to mutilate the bodies of the disbelievers. Never has …

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The Concept of Jihad 29

(Insulting Dead People from the Enemies is Disapproved in Islam) ‘Ikrima b. Abi Jahl was an arch-enemy of the Prophet (PBUH) and Islam, and so was his father. When the Prophet entered Mecca triumphantly, he gave protection to ‘Ikrima, and addressed his companions, saying, “Ikrima comes to you a believer …

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The Concept of Jihad 30

(Killing the Forced into War is not of Islam) The Prophet advised his companions in the battle of Badr saying, “I have come to know that some people from Banu Hashim and others were forced to accompany the pagans, although they had no desire to fight against us. Therefore, whoever …

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رئيس البرلمان .. عندنا 2 سد عالي واحد في أسوان والتاني في دمياط

وجه النائب طاهر أبو زيد، تحية إعزاز وفخر لكتيبة المنتخب الوطنى المصرى، خلال الجلسة العامة للمجلس المنعقدة الآن، قائلاً: “المنتخب المصرى فجر الفرحة والبهجة فى كل بيت فى مصر”، مطالبًا بأن يوجه البرلمان دعوة للمنتخب الوطنى وتكريمه بغض النظر عن النتيجة يوم الأحد”. ورد الدكتور على عبد العال، قائلا: “كل …

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