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مجلس إدارة الجريدة الدكتور أحمد رمضان الشيخ محمد القطاوي رئيس التحريـر: د. أحمد رمضان (Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Ahmed Ramadan) تليفون (phone) : 01008222553  فيس بوك (Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/Dr.Ahmed.Ramadn تويتر (Twitter): https://twitter.com/DRAhmad_Ramadan الأستاذ محمد القطاوي: المدير العام ومسئول الدعم الفني بالجريدة. الحاصل علي دورات كثيرة في الدعم الفني والهندسي للمواقع وإنشاء المواقع وحاصل علي الليسانس من جامعة الأزهر.

The Concept of Jihad 6

Being obligatory in Islam, jihad, nonetheless, does not mean that every Muslim should carry a weapon to fight against others; this is illogical! Being obligatory in Islam, jihad, nonetheless, does not mean that every Muslim should carry a weapon to fight against others; this is illogical!    

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The Concept of Jihad 7

Performing Jihad with one’s soul, i.e. (fighting) is not obligatory upon every individual Muslim. Rather, it is the duty of the army, which acts on behalf of all Muslims. Consequently, Muslims, as a community, become exemptedfrom this obligation and shall not be held accountable for iton the Day of Judgment. …

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The Concept of Jihad 8

Fighting may become an individual obligation only in cases where an enemy attacks a Muslim country and the Muslim army becomes in need of additional recruitment. In such a case, every Muslim in the country under the attackshall be obliged to resist the enemy with whatever means he has, be …

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The Concept of Jihad 9

The First verses revealed in the Qur’an to permit fighting are “Permission [to take up arms] has been given to those who are being fought, because they have been wronged. And indeed, Allah is Able to give them victory. [They are] those who have been driven unjustly from their homes …

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The Concept of Jihad 10

Allah says, “Permission [to take up arms] has been given to those who are being fought, because they have been wronged. And indeed, Allah is Able to give them victory.” This verse reveals that Muslims did not take the initiative to fight against the disbelievers. On the contrary, it was …

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The Concept of Jihad 11

Should Muslims fight non-Muslims on grounds of their aggression or their disbelief? The view held by the majority of Muslim scholars, depending on the Quran and Prophet’s traditions in this regard, is that the aggression committed by non-Muslims is the main reason for fighting them. Being peaceful followers of another …

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The Concept of Jihad 12

There are some deviated ideologies that deem disbelief as grounds for fighting non-Muslims, and urge Muslims to fight the others to make them convert to Islam, or else continue to adhere to their religions provided that they pay Jizyah (tribute). One thing that proves the deviation of these ideologies is …

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The Concept of Jihad 13

Killing of the non-combatant children, women, elderly people, priests and rabbis, the blind, the handicapped, the hired workers and those who take refuge in places of worship is prohibited in Islam. Although they are not Muslims, their killing is prohibited. Had disbelief been the reason for killing, killing of those …

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The Concept of Jihad 14

It is not true that Islam spread by sword as some Western intellectuals, who try to distort the image of Islam and its civilization, claim. Here, we emphasize that the Glorious Qur’an which guarantees religious freedom for non-Muslims in explicit verses cannot state in the same time that Islam should …

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The Concept of Jihad 15

In spite of the fact that the sword was a symbol for courage and heroism at the time of the revelation of the Qur’an, it i.e. the sword is never mentioned in the Qur’an.   

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The Concept of Jihad 16

Muslims have always given the inhabitants of their countries the right to keep their faiths and granted them the rights of citizenship, applying the rule “they have the same rights as ours and have the same duties as ours”. There are no cases of Muslims giving people a choice between …

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The Concept of Jihad 17

Variation among people is a Divine law, as stated clearly in the Qur’an. The relationship between those varied people must therefore reflect the nature of that variation, not contradict it. It would be illogical for Allah to create humans with differences and then force them to go against their own …

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The Concept of Jihad 18

Islam is unique in how it forbids intentional killing and imposes severe penalties upon the killer in the worldly life and the Hereafter.  

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