أخبار عاجلة

أرشيف يوم: 31 يناير,2017

ننشر أسعار الذهب اليوم الثلاثاء 31/1/2017

أسعار الذهب يوميا ومحدث ، ارتفاع أسعار الذهب اليوم

جاءت أسعار الذهب كما يلي: عيار 24 بــ 715. عيار 21 بــ 626. عيار 18 بــ 537. وتبلغ سعر الأوقية اليوم حسب السعر العالمي: 1203.00 دولار. والأوقية = 31.1 جرام عيار 24.

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Danger of Takfir

Ahmad Al-Tayyeb1 All praise is due to Allah. May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon the seal of all the Prophets and Messengers, our master Muhammad, his family, Companions and upon those who follow in his guidance to the Day of Judgment. The issues of Takfir (declaring Muslims disbelievers) and …

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Beauty, Delight and Common Sense

خطبة الجمعة Muhammad, the Prophet of Mercy

Islam is the religion of civilization and progress, perfection and beauty, and delight and happiness. All Islamic texts, directives and ways lead to this end. The Qur’ān and the Sunnah affirm these meanings. For example, Allah, the Almighty, says in His Book: “And the grazing livestock He has created for …

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The Story of Statues and the Destruction of Civilizations

To begin with, there is no single Muslim on earth who worships a statue, believes in it, preaches it or thinks about it. Rather, no single person from among the followers of heavenly religions believes in these statues at all. It is true that Islam prohibited the making of statues …

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Capitals, Borders and States’ Building

The relationship of countries’ capitals with national borders is that of integration, and not conflict, and it should not be of conflict. Simply, any country cannot do without a capital as heart and center, or borders which represent the wings by means of which the country proceed. However, the center …

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